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FPS floating point-CSDN问答
来自 : CSDN技术社区 发布时间:2021-03-24

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\"weixin_39932344\" weixin_39932344 3月前

this resolution should be block if you apply #40 on top of master tip. Could you try multiple of 8 resolution and check fps?

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\"weixin_39913141\" weixin_39913141 3月前

Here is the command I m currently using respectively for 30fps and 29.97fps:

SvtVp9EncApp.exe -i %sourcePath% -w 480 -h 270 -enc-mode 8 -fps-num 30000 -fps-denom 1001 -rc 1 -tbr 5000000 -b

SvtVp9EncApp.exe -i %sourcePath% -w 480 -h 270 -enc-mode 8 -fps 30 -rc 1 -tbr 5000000 -b %destFile%

Using Mediainfo on the .ivf that these output, I am getting:

For the 30fps file (this one crashed when I try to play it after converting to a webm):

GeneralComplete name : C:\\Users\\****.ivfFormat : IVFFile size : 3.01 MiBVideoFormat : VP90Codec ID : VP90Width : 480 pixelsHeight : 270 pixelsDisplay aspect ratio : 16:9Frame rate : 0.990 fpsStream size : 3.01 MiB (100%)

And for the 29.97fps file:

GeneralComplete name : C:\\Users\\****.ivfFormat : IVFFile size : 1.25 MiBVideoFormat : VP90Codec ID : VP90Width : 480 pixelsHeight : 270 pixelsDisplay aspect ratio : 16:9Frame rate : 29.970 (30000/1001) fpsStream size : 1.25 MiB (100%)
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\"weixin_39932344\" weixin_39932344 3月前

I can t reproduce what you saw. Could post your command and statistics info during encoding for both 29.97 and 30 fps?

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\"weixin_39913141\" weixin_39913141 3月前

I added the changes and re-compiled, in testing I found that the output is now the correct fps at 29.970 and is working great.

But now when encoding with -fps 30 the output file comes out at 1.050 in the metadata, the bit-rate is oddly low and the runtime is very long.

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\"weixin_39932344\" weixin_39932344 3月前

Fixed in #40

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本文链接: http://fpsfloating.immuno-online.com/view-675517.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)